In Loving Memory
Harry George Cresser
February 10, 2000 - April 17, 2000
Little one, little one,
Where have you gone?
Your going has darkened
The brightest dawn.
Why did you leave us
So soon, so soon?
Where can we look for you?
Over the moon?
On butterflies wings?
In the heart of a rose?
Who knows,
who knows
Where a little one goes?
Where I have gone,
I am not so small.
My soul is as wide
As the world is tall.
I have gone to answer
The call, the call
Of the One who takes
Care of us all.
Wherever you look,
You will find me there--
In the heart of a rose,
In the heart of a prayer.
On butterflies wings,
On wings of my own,
To you, I am gone,
But I am never alone--
I am over the moon.
I am home.
-Jim Howard
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