Dear Friends,
Jeff passed away during the early morning hours today (January 18, 2000) in the hospital at Atlanta. His cancer had spread to this good lung and he died peacefully.
Arrangements for his funeral are being made with the Fairchild Funeral Directors here in Ft. Lauderdale. Details will be coming when we get them. Since I will be leaving today we will not have access to a computer and internet until our return (????)
I'm sure Martha would want to thank you all personally for your concern and prayers.
Gathered Poems
Many of Martha and Dee's shih tzu list family have written to share their love and show their shock, concern and sadness and prayers.
We wanted so much to keep you,
We watched you day by day.
Until at last with breaking hearts,
We saw you slip away.
You wore a crown of patience,
As you struggled on and on.
And the hands that rest forever,
Were the hands that were so strong.
Got watched you while you suffered,
And He knew you had your share.
He tenderly closed your weary eyes,
And took you in His care.
Dear God, forgive a silent tear,
A silent wish that you were here.
Others are taken, yes, we know,
But Jeff was ours and we love him so.
Please tell Marta that my prayers are with both her and Jeff as they have been during this entire ordeal. I am so sorry for this news. I was so pleased when I heard the news before and we thought Jeff was going to have a chance to get better. I can only imagine the hurt and pain that Marta must be feeling right now but my heart, prayers, and all of my loving thoughts go out to her and Jeff during this entire sad ordeal.
In Living Love,
Cricket and Christopher's Mommy,
Marta, Dee and family,
Although words can never really enough to convey the thoughts,
concern, caring and sadness that we share with you, just wanted you to
know that we are all thinking of you, crying with you and praying with
you. It has got to be one of the most difficult times of your life,
I pray for all of you to have the strength to get through this difficult
time and that you may all
lean on one another for support and that God shine down
upon you all and help you through. I pray that you can take comfort
in the fact that Jeff is pain free now and smiling down upon you.
Please know that we are all sharing your grief and tears with you and you
all our very much in our thoughts.
God bless you.
oh no! i feel so bad... he is in my prayers.
and so is marta. this is not an easy thing to go through.
Please tell Martha that my prayers and thoughts are with her and the rest of the family. My heart is breaking for her.
Judy Mullins
Please give Marta my condolences. She has been through so much . Please send her our love. Thanks.
Please tell Martha that I'm still praying for Jeff and for her.
Letícia, Dolly, Victoria & Amadeus.
Oh no, poor Martha :-( I hope she is OK - and all the family. What a terrible thing - we all knew Jeff was not doing well but this is so sudden! At least it was quick and peaceful - that is at least a good thing...
This is terrible :-(
*now crying also*
~ Rhonda ~
Oh that is awful. If you talk to Martha please tell her that our thoughts and prayers are with her.
Michele, Ginger & Gracie
Having just gone through this three months ago I hope you will pass this on to Martha.
I send hugs to comfort you.
Words to let you know you're not alone.
Tears for those who are left behind and
Prayers for Jeff in his new home.
<<I send hugs to comfort you.
Words to let you know you're not alone.
Tears for those who are left behind and
Prayers for Jeff in his new home. >>
Denise, if Ariel doesn`t mind we need to send this with
everyone's name
Thanx Tina
My prayers go out to the entire family and friends. May the Lord give his blessings and comfort to them in the days ahead.
Karen Waltke
Please extend our condolences to Marta and her family. As this will be a very hard time for her and the entire family. We will be praying for them. If you speak with Marta please tell her my heart bleeds for her and I am so sorry. It just brings tears to my eyes.
Sheila and Blaize
My heart is aching.
My heart goes out to you all. Please know our prayers and best wishes are with you now and always. Please tell Marta that they are all in our thoughts. I feel desperately for her loss and hope that she and her family may heal from this.
Dear Marta & Dee:
I am so sorry to hear about Your son, Jeff. I can't imagine what it is like to lose one's child. It has to be a big part of your heart taken away. Please accept my sincere condolences.
> I am crying as I send this to you.>
Yes we all are crying it is like we lost a dear friend. Which we have. I hope that I hear something as I do live in the area and when arrangements are made would like to be there for Marta.
Barbara, Oreo Cookie
Sonny Boy and Tuxedo
Dee...Please tell Martha that my prayers and thoughts are with her and the rest of the family. My heart is breaking for her.
I don't write to the list too much. I'm also going through
the death of my father who passed away this last December. I'm also a mother
and I can imagine nothing compares to the loss of a child. I had
been reading your messages but I foolishly felt too shy to write to you,
but please know that I also felt for you. Having gone through so many surgeries
with my son, I know what it feels like seeing our own child going through
so much. I imagine it's so hard to find comfort right now in the
middle of this, but only God and time will heal and give you peace. Just
keep remembering that he's in a better place now where everything is just
My prayers are with you and your family.
Sandra Fields
<< I send hugs to comfort you.
Words to let you know you're not alone.
Tears for those who are left behind and
Prayers for Jeff in his new home.
Ariel >>
This is wonderful Ariel. I find myself lacking in what
to say. Your eloquence in such a heart wrenching moment is astounding considering
your own pain. Thanks for saying this for those of us who could not find
the words.
Please add my condolences for Martha in her time
of loss.
Martha, I am praying for peace for Jeff and I hope she can e-mail me privately soon.
Julie and Mijule's Shih Tzu
Marta, my thoughts and prayers are with you right now. My little fur babies send hugs to you also. I am so sorry for all your going through, but hope all of our prayers give you the strength you need.
Marta and Dee,
I am so saddened by this rapid turn of events. May
the Good Lord give you the strength in this time of sadness. You have my
sincere sympathy. I was in total shock at the news of his death.
My heart breaks for you and we know how hard you tried to help. Now
Jeff is in the best hands possible and most of all he is pain free and
at total rest.
Take care of yourself now and trust in the Lord.
Marta: I am so very sorry. I sit here in shock. Not ever meeting you all in person, i feel a great loss. You are like family and i am so very sorry. Please, please know that Jeff is in a much better place, he is not in pain with our Lord. Oh, my God, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sue Peavey
Dear Marta
I have not been on the list much this week at all and
am way behind but just scanned thru and found this letter. I am sitting
here crying so hard as this has been a bad week for me due to having to
bury a son 7 years ago. I am so very sorry to hear about Jeff.
I had so hoped that he would be better. I know what you are going
thru and I want you to know that my heart is full oflove for you and your
family and you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care of
yourself and dont let yourself get down or you will be sick. Just
know that he is no longer suffering and I am sure he is in heaven watching
down on you and taking care of you at the same time. Again I am so
very sorry.
All our love to you and your family
Cassi, the girls and the rest of my family
With a heavy heart we send our condolences. May it ease your sadness a bit to know that your precious memories will always be a bridge between this world and the next, between your loved one and you.
Jeff will be remembered.
You're In Our Thoughts and Prayers
Lynn, Lissa, S
Shirley, & Brandy
ohhhhhhhhhhh my!!!
I am so so sorry, from my heart as a mother, and as a friend..........
I am shocked as well and i am so sorry to hear of this news. Please please please know you have my deepest sympathy and also my prayers know that you are loved by so many people and WE are here for you...........always
May Dear Jeff rest in peace until you both meet again
I am so sorry
No words can express the loss a someone you love. It's so unbelievable it happened so suddenly! It sounds strange saying this,but at least he's spared from further pain and sorrow.And for his family, I can only wish them a lot off sweet memories of Jeff and they will find peace in knowing he's at a better place now.
My condolances
May the peace of His loving arms surround you as you grieve your son.
God bless you!
Stefani, Muffey, and Angel :-)
{The letter below was sent to Martha and Dee from a lady in Barrow, Alaska who called me the day after Jeff died, looking for him because they hadn't heard from him in a long time and knew he was sick and were all worried about him. }
Dear Martha,
Thank you so much for sending the picture of Jeff and
letting me know the flowers arrived. I am especially glad to have this
particular picture because he did look happy and that is the way I would
like to remember him. I can only say that I'm so sad to have lost
a good friend and I wish there was some way I could offer you some comfort
in your grief. I want you to know there were many who shed tears
when they heard the news. Maybe it would help to know that friends
here, who loved Jeff, would share the burden of your loss if there were
some way we could. . I only told people who were close to Jeff
and who wanted to know what was happening. I hope you will send me
a note from time to time to let me know how
you are doing, and if there is anything I can do to help
you please don't hesitate to write or call.
Warmest Regards to you and your family.. June Burr
Martha and Dee, I just got this verse in my email the day before Jeff passed away. I believe it was meant for me to send it to you at this time.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also
in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so,
I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for
you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back
and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
John 14:1-3 NIV
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To All My Dear Shih Tzu Friends,
I just wanted to thank you all for your very kind notes giving your sympathy on the death of my son, Jeff. I am sure he is in Heaven right now....he never hurt anyone in any way. My heart is breaking right now but I did want to get a few words out to you all.
I just returned from Georgia....without my son. About 4 AM the night before last, Jeff went to God. I am in a state of shock right now and have been crying ever since he died. Completely unexpected. An ambulance took him to the hospital on Monday and there is where he died about 4 AM yesterday morning. His body was flown here to Fort Lauderdale and I will be making arrangements tomorrow morning about 10 AM with the funeral home. His cancer spread throughout his body and into his lymph nodes. He had a bad abscess that developed at the incision which broke open from the cancer. My poor son, he suffered so much. He will be at the Fairchild Funeral Home, North Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale on Friday.. Funeral Mass will be at St. Jerome Catholic Church, on Saturday concelebrated by 3 priest. He will then be buried at Lauderdale Memorial Park where my Mom is buried only he will be in the ground and not in a Mausoleum like my Mom. He had no money so we will do the best we can for him. Originally I thought about burying him up at the VA cemetery in Bay Pines, Fl. but I couldn't do that. I need to have him near me.
I will write more when I stop crying and get myself together.
Thank you for all your prayers.
Jeff and Alice on one of their many travels
Jeffrey Arthur Pawluk
8/4/56 - 1/18/2000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~